It all starts with your mind that what kind of culture you want to set for yourself.
When you set a culture for yourself, it then reflects in the culture of your family.
As a parent or head of the family, you hold yourself responsible and accountable for whatever your family goes through because you think that you were the one who laid the platform for your family by setting a culture, and based on the culture set by you, the members of the family went ahead to face this world in the course of their life journey.
You might have observed that there are some families in which all its members are very friendly and kind towards others.
There are families in which all its members try to seclude themselves from others as they fear the negativity of the people around.
And there are families in which all its members are friendly with others but with caution.
In fact, there are many more types of family culture that you might have observed in your journey of life.
Before we start discussing the organizational culture, it is imperative for you to start from the mind because in an organization there are many individuals hailing from different types of family culture and as the head of your organization you must address this fact that because of different types of family culture the people in your organization have different ways of going about work as they perceive and behave differently.
So, it all starts with the mind of an individual who as the head of the family set the culture for his family, and you decided to recruit one of his family members to work for your organization.
This way, an organization gets filled with many individuals from many types of family culture.
People who work for your organization decided to join your organization because they wanted a secure earning for the time they put in for your organization.
So, most of the people who work in your organization tend to have the mindset to avoid entrepreneurship because entrepreneurship comes with its own challenges of risk-taking when it comes to earning.
But as the head of your organization, it is imperative for you to instil the values of a successful entrepreneur in all your team members because caring for the people and for the customers is one of the top entrepreneurial values which can straight away take your organization towards achieving its goals and success.
Recruitment plays a vital role in the business journey of an organization.
An organization is composed of people and it is the people who make an organization, a success or a failure.
It is possible as the saying goes that one sick fish can make all the other fishes of the pond to become sick but how about creating an organizational culture in which the healthy fishes of the pond get the sick fish out of the pond.
The importance of recruitment is so significant in the successful journey of an organization that even if you write lines after lines countless times, it will still be short of conveying the significance of recruitment.
Even if you employ the best recruitment process, you will still find some people not up to your expectations.
People who fall short of your expectations in their domain knowledge are acceptable but when people fall short of your expectations in their attitude then it must ring the alarm bell.
Citing the example of the fishes in the pond again, you can say that if there is only one sick fish in the pond of hundred fishes then there are chances that the hundred other healthy fishes could team up to get the sick fish out of the pond.
If fifty percent of the fishes in the pond are sick then there are chances that these fifty percent of sick fishes could team up to get the other fifty percent of healthy fishes out of the pond.
Therefore, it is very important to ensure that most of the people who join your organization have the right attitude.
Attitude to accept mistakes, attitude to be accountable and responsible, attitude to care for others, attitude to grow with others, attitude to feel being a very important part of the team irrespective of designation, and the list goes on.
And it all starts with the mind.
It starts with your mind first that as the head of the organization what kind of culture you want to set for your organization.
It cannot be stressed enough that how important it is for any organization in any part of the world that how important it is to be customer-focused to stay in business in this dynamically competitive scenario. But it is very easy to say than getting it imbibed in the mind of your every team member because only a person with entrepreneurial values and attitude can imbibe the customer-focused approach in his behaviour and work.
While you focus on the external customer-centric culture of your organization, do not miss to focus on the internal customer-centric culture of your organization.
The image of your organization is the sum total image of the people who work for your organization.
The image of an organization is positive when the sum total image of the people who work for the organization is positive.
Therefore, it is enormously important for a start-up organization to recruit very diligently because it might be a scenario where you are the only person or work with one more person for your start-up organization.
For bigger organizations consisting of hundreds of employees, you have a chance to repair your organizational image by pointing it towards one or only some team members but when you are running a start-up organization, you absolutely do not have any chances.
Organizations have budget allocations for filling the various positions, but wait before you get the right fit.
When you are in a hurry to fill up positions, you tend to make mistakes and people with improper attitude join the workforce.
It is the same scenario that happens in a pond of fishes. Once you put a sick fish into the pond, then it becomes extremely challenging to track it as it looks like one of those healthy fishes in the pond. So, the best possible way to prevent this is to check every fish before putting it in the pond.
So, in the same way, you need to check every individual thoroughly before recruiting him or her into the organization.
While you set the culture of your organization, you cannot ignore the personal life of the people working for your organization. Because it is everyone’s personal life which influences their values, perception, attitude and behaviour.
Today’s organizations face unforeseen competition and are expected to do more than just conducting their business.
People in your organization need to feel that their value system gets better with time which helps them to work and live better.
Talented people leave an organization when they feel that they are not valued which could be due to multiple reasons and some of these reasons could be that they are not able to give enough time to their personal life, they are not treated well at work, they do not find something significant to learn by working further and so on.
The way there are marriages which end up getting dissolved, the same way there are organizations which wind up.
Two persons in a marriage head towards separation when they do not agree upon a common value system and have different life culture by following their own different value system. Here separation does not mean the physical distance but the emotional detachment from each other.
In spite of physical distance, couples can still stick to each other if they agree upon a common value system and follow the common life culture which leads them to have an ever-growing relationship. This kind of relationships and marriages are very common to see nowadays because of personal and professional aspiration of both the partners in the relationship.
Same way, whether the employees work together at the same office premises or work remotely at different locations, they can unite and work as a strong team if all of them agree to follow the same value system of your organization and the organizational culture.
As the head of the organization, it is very important for you to analyze the value system and the attitude of every individual you recruit because every individual comes from a different family with different set of values.
You can recruit people whose value system is close to your organizational value system or the people who you think are flexible enough to mould as per your organizational value system.
Organizations pay a huge price when they recruit people with great domain knowledge and a negative attitude. In such scenarios, the person with great knowledge and negative attitude becomes a very large sick fish that can drive the healthy fishes out of the pond. Mostly, this kind of situations arise when an organization recruits a team leader with great domain knowledge and negative attitude like not caring for the team members, not feeling accountable and responsible for the growth of the team members, creating unnecessary unhealthy competition among the team members without focusing on the organizational objectives, etc.
“Love your job but not the organization” has become a common saying because of the leaders with a negative attitude who run the organization with a very unhealthy organizational culture.
People working for your organization need to love the organization because the organization becomes their second home and second family after their own home and family.
The way people talk good about their family and their family members, the same way they need to talk good about your organization wherever they work.
Former employees can become the greatest ambassador of your organization. And this is possible when employees love the work culture in your organization.
There are leaders who start behaving like strangers when their team members resign and decide to join some other organization. This will certainly lead to an unnecessary unhappy departure of the employee which otherwise could have been a very happy departure from the organization.
When the organization offers the same kind of enthusiasm during the induction as well as during the exit of the employee, it reflects an inspiring organizational culture. And this can happen when the leaders in the organization have a very positive attitude.
In this twenty-first century, organizational culture has become a very important topic for the business leaders because you need to have very positive people working for your organization in order to go beyond the customer’s expectation to stay at par or ahead of the top competitors.
Right from the induction to the time of exit, an employee spends considerable amount of time in your organization. During this time, as the head of the organization, you have ample amount of time to mould an employee not just as per your business objectives but beyond.
Irrespective of the department that an employee works in, you need to develop the entrepreneurial values in him or her.
It is possible that employees after developing entrepreneurial values in them might leave your organization but it is absolutely okay.
When you turn your employees into entrepreneurs working for your organization, every stakeholder of your organization right from the customer is valued by every department and by every employee in your organization.
You may not find entrepreneurs at the time of recruitment process, but you can certainly turn people with a very positive attitude into entrepreneurs if you set the appropriate culture for your organization.
A good personal life can lead to a good professional life and vice-versa.
The way people join your organization with their previous set of values, the same way, they go back home with the organizational values that you set as the head of your organization.
In fact, organizations have an upper hand to mould an individual in comparison to his family because the organization is like a small section of the society with people from different families but following the same organizational values and culture. So, it is very easy for an individual working in an organization to check whether his value system and family culture are okay or need to be changed in order to succeed in this small section of the society called the organization.
“Employees leave their boss and not their job” has become a common saying, and you can change this saying by becoming the leader who sets the organizational culture that nourishes the employees and helps them achieve success and happiness in both their personal and professional life.
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