Managing Life is very similar to managing Business.
You grow in business when you grow profitability, you grow in life when you increase positivity.
Like everyone else, you too were born to parents with a specific situation.
This situation includes financial condition, mindset of the parents, background of the parents, social standing of the parents, relatives of your parents, friends of your parents, educational qualification of your parents, interpersonal skills of your parents and many other things that were linked to your parents.
Is it not like getting recruited in a business organization with a particular situation, and the situation included the financial condition of the organization, employees of the organization, customers of the organization, brand name of the organization and many other things related to the business organization?!
As the head of a business organization, it depends on your skills that how you drive the organization towards success and glory, the same way it depends on your skills that how you drive your family to peace and happiness.
You can say now that the proverb which says “Being born poor is not your mistake but dying poor is your mistake’ is logically correct.
It is very easy to blame the previous head of the organization for the sorry state of the organization that it is in, the same way it is very easy to blame your parents for the undesirable state of the family that it is in.
Becoming the head of an organization is a matter to cherish because irrespective of the situation that it is in, it is because of your display of skills that you were given the great opportunity to lead and drive it to success and glory.
Similarly, when you get born into a family, it is a matter to cherish because irrespective of the situation that it is in, you get the opportunity to showcase your skills to drive the family to peace and happiness.
During your tenure as the head of the organization, you may ask many people to leave the organization and you may recruit many people to add value to the organization.
Similarly, during your life journey, you may decide to get away from many people who transmit negativity and you may get close to many people who can add value to yourself and your family.
During your tenure as the head of the organization, you would be required to use your interpersonal skills to lead and manage the stakeholders of the company.
As the head of the organization, you would be required to lead your relationship with all the stakeholders of the organization in a way that they help your organization to move towards profitability, success and glory.
Similarly, during the journey of your life, you would be required to use your interpersonal skills to manage relationships with many people and lead those relationships in a way that they add value to yourself and help you to lead your family to peace, happiness and prosperity.
As the head of the organization, your decisions might not be liked by many stakeholders of the organization because your decisions could clash with their thought-process and their interest.
Similarly, during the journey of your life, your decisions might not be liked by many of your family members and relatives, as they could clash with their interests.
If there is one parameter that can lead your organization to success then it is profitability.
When your organization is profitable, you can have the resources to face different challenges of a business to sail ahead smoothly. Adopting innovation to improve your products and services is one of the many examples to prove this point.
To achieve a profitability curve increasing over the years, you need to recruit the right people, create the right work culture, get rid of the people who sabotage the work culture and trouble others, and do everything possible to keep your external and internal customers happy.
Similarly, if there is one parameter that can lead your family to peace and happiness then it is positivity.
Like a business has its ups and downs, life also has its ups and downs.
Positivity can help you to face the different challenges of life.
Positivity can help you see the brightness after the darkness and will keep you filled with confidence and hope.
To achieve positivity, you need to keep in touch with the right people, get away from the people who you think transmit negativity, create a family culture that promotes positivity and do everything possible to lead your family towards peace and happiness.
In business, there are times when your plans and strategies go wrong but you can always review those wrong plans and strategies, and correct them in order to generate profitability. So, there is always a second chance in business to generate profitability.
Same way, even in life there are many times when your decisions go wrong but you can always find a way to come out of those wrong decisions, and generate positivity again. An example to prove this point is when you are in a relationship with a person who radiates negativity toward you.
There have been many instances when couples have separated amicably, and have come back as very strong and happy individuals.
So, like in business, there is always a second chance to generate profitability, even in life there is also always a second chance to generate positivity again.
In business, it depends a lot on the head of the organization that what kind of ethics and values he wants to imbibe in all the stakeholders of the organization in order to lead the organization towards profitability, success and glory.
Same way, even in a family it depends a lot on the head of the family what kind of ethics and values he wants his family members to imbibe in order to lead his family towards peace and happiness.
Business is about serving the customers or a section of the society through its products and services.
In business, the head of the organization needs to ensure that the customers are delighted at every step of their interaction with the organization.
Whether the customers take a notice of the advertisement of the products and services, interact with any of the stakeholders or use the products and services, they need to get delighted with every direct and indirect interaction that they have with the organization.
Same way, a family is all about a group of people living together to serve the society, and in return, the society equips the family with all the resources that it needs to achieve peace and happiness.
The moment you are born in this world, you start serving this world.
The waste products of your body are the food for many organisms which constitute a very important part of the world’s food chain.
The food that you consume as a baby gives livelihood to many people who constitute a very important part of the world’s food supply chain.
So, whether you realize it or not, you have always served this whole world even when you were a baby and did not do anything to earn any money.
It must be clear to you now that how a family is all about a group of people serving the human society and this world.
Like the way the head of the organization needs to ensure that all the customers are delighted at each of their interactions with the organization, the same way the head of the family needs to ensure that the employers, the customers, or the people that each of the family members serves are delighted.
Each of the family members could be in the same or different professions but the head of the family needs to encourage them to do their work to the fullest of their abilities.
Because when you do your work with your heart and soul, you are bound to do well, doesn’t matter whether you work as an employee or as an employer. You will get your resources from the people you serve that will help you to lead a peaceful and happy life.
You may ponder why do the interviewers ask you to tell them about your family.
The interviewers basically want to know your family values. How your family has been serving society and how your family values can benefit your employing organization.
For everyone, family is the first school.
The interviewers do not intend to make you uncomfortable by knowing the financial status of your family or by knowing the social status of the head of your family but what they really want to know is the way you have been brought up and groomed by your family.
Because it helps the employing company when they recruit someone who is already so well groomed that they can expect him to fulfill his work duties sincerely.
Working sincerely means that you work in a way that you put your heart and soul into your work and hold yourself responsible and accountable for the results of your work.
Holding yourself responsible and accountable for the results of your work is an attitude that employees develop over the years.
Even experienced Managers shy away from holding themselves responsible and accountable when something significant goes wrong and try to put the onus on some team member.
At the same time, there are young entrepreneurs in their early twenties who hold themselves responsible and accountable for whatever good or bad their business goes through.
So from where have they learnt the lessons of displaying this great human trait at work and how have they been able to display it at such a young age?!
The simple answer is that they learnt all this from their first school, that is, their family.
Hope, you now realize how running a family is very similar to running an organization and how there lies a close relationship between your family and the organization that you work for.
When you learn and implement the golden human traits like a ‘Positive mindset’, ‘Owning responsibility and accountability’, ‘Healthy habits’, ‘Attitude to serve others’ from your life’s first school, that is, your family, it is going to be very easy for you to excel at work.
Every member of the organization has some very important human trait that they have carried from their families.
So, when you join an organization, it is like getting associated with a family wherein you need to unlearn many undesirable human traits and practices and learn many desirable human traits and practices that help you align yourself with the vision of the organization.
Therefore, the organization you work for is the second school of your life.
In today’s age, there is so much competition among organizations that every organization wants to hire and retain the best talent because it is the people who make an organization a success or a failure.
In the pursuit of hiring the best talent, organizations have now realized that it is not the knowledge but the attitude of a candidate that needs to be given more importance.
Because when you recruit someone with good knowledge and a bad attitude, it can create havoc in the workplace.
In fact, one can always learn and acquire the required knowledge but to acquire an attitude or effect a change in attitude is a mountainous task that requires the personal effort and time of the concerned stakeholders.
Therefore, to evade such a time-consuming process of effecting an attitudinal change, managers prefer to hire experienced candidates who have prior experience of working in a team environment.
Nowadays, it is also a challenging task for organizations to retain capable people because they are always in demand and are offered attractive compensation packages by other companies.
In such a scenario, it is increasingly important for the organizations to create a work culture that not only rewards its stakeholders financially as per the market conditions but also binds them all with the threads of love and care of a family.
The same principle can be applied to families also.
In today’s highly competitive scenario, children need to be brought up with the values of an organization that cares and serves all its stakeholders with all its heart and soul.
Such children grow up to become men and women who have an attitude to serve the society and hold themselves responsible and accountable for the results of their work.
So, does this give you a cue that when you run the family with the values of a service-oriented organization, and when you run the organization with the love and care like a family, things can really work in your favour both in your personal and professional lives?!
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